What is the most widely renowned form of addiction? It is without any doubt cigarettes. Parliament is one of the oldest manufacturers of cigarettes. So old that they were the first ones to introduce a recessed paper filter.

Parliament Super Slims are the slims provided by the company carrying your elegance with every stroke you take. It is still one of the only companies providing recessed paper filters utilizing the double filter potential to its maximum. The combination of tar and nicotine provides a unique and pleasant experience for smokers of all types. Some of its characteristics are:


  • Tar: 4 mg
  • Nicotine: 0.4 mg
  • Quantity in each box: 20
  • Each carton contains: 10 boxes
  • Diameter: 6 mm
  • Length: 100 mm
  • Filter: Charcoal
  • Flavor: Ultra Lights
  • Quantity: 200 pcs.

For anyone who wants a premium experience smoking a cigarette with light flavor and sharp taste, Parliament Super Slims is the way to go.


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Parliament Super Slims Parliament Super Slims

Original price was: $81.99.Current price is: $44.99.